Masa's Report No3 (August 2-6) 日曜日から金曜日まで (Sunday to Thursday) エトワ遺跡 (Etowah Artifacts)


Today we went to the Etowah Indian Mounds.  This is the first time I have ever seen an artifact outside of Japan.  The way of life of the American Indians can be compared to the Yayoi and Jomon peoples.  At the museum I saw the video and many interesting things.  The Etowah Mounds are like the Yayoi Kofun mounds, but the biggest mound is like a Japanese Buddhist temple area.  The mound was very big and difficult to climb.  The decorations that the Etowah leaders wore must have been heavy, but they were cool.  The eagle design was the best.

ねった (I slept)

今日は半日ねった。 I slept half of the day.

水くみ (Fetching Water)


We went to Joe's spring again.  It was fun, but Joe took us the LONG way around to the spring, so I am very tired.  But it was very fun.

インディアンの店 (The Indian Store)


Today we went to Dahlonega's town square.  The best store there was an Indian store.  At the store, there were tools and art made by the Indians.  I bought a present for my sister called a "dream catcher," a decoration/tool to catch good dreams.  I hope my sister catches bad dreams!

アウト・ハウス (Out House) 今日はトイレを作った。ジョーの家には、まだトイレができてなく「インスタント・トイレ」(英語でアウト・ハウス)を作った。こわれないように期待する。バキバキ、グチョ。

Today we built a toilet.  At Joe's house, the toilet is still not finished so we made an instant toilet.  Hope it does not break (while I am sitting on it).  Baki-baki, gutyu (Squish-squish). トレール作り (Making a Trail)


From this morning, we made a trail.  As we made the trail, I had the feeling that "this is nature."  This was a new feeling for me.  But after that, we went to the river and I felt "crazy!"  The reason was that Joe and I went swimming without any clothes.  But it was fun!   
