Masa's Report No4 (August 7-10)   

Amy and Karl's House

  Today we went to Joe's little sister Amy's house.  When we arrived there was no one home, so we went to the river near the house.  The place was more beautiful than the Etowah, but the river was too warm.  When we went back to the house, Karl arrived with "Sunny" the dog.  A little later, Joe's mother and father arrived.  After that, Karl and I went to a place to buy barbeque.

  When we returned home, Amy arrived and we had dinner on the back porch.
We then gave out presents we brought from Japan.  Karl gave us some Belgium cherry beer.  (Karl was born in Belgium.)  We had a good time!        


Aaron and the Etowah River

  Today Aaron and I went to the Etowah river to go swimming.  At first I was a little afraid.  I was a little uneasy but we had fun.  When my feet touched the water, it was cold, but Aaron said, "Let's Go!" and I dove in.  Swoosh!  After that we played in some shallow water and I fell in.  It was cold water!    

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