Sarah's christening in Japan

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  Today we visited the Takeda Shingen shrine in Kofu, the most famous shrine in Kofu-shi,
the capital of Yamanashi-ken, our home state in Japan.  A few hundred years ago Takeda Shingen was the ruler of Yamanashi-ken when it was called Kai-Koku (the country of Kai).  Takeda Shingen was a famous warrior and would have taken over all of Japan had his soldiers had been equipped with pistols.  Oda Nobunaga' army had pistols and this helped him win the battle over Takeda.   The Takeda shrine represents the last stronghold of independence of our state Yamanashi-ken.  Every day, at least a few parents bring their month-old babies here to have them blessed by the keepers (KANUSHI) (a man and a woman) of the shrine.  We paid about seventy-five dollars to have a ritual performed.  We went inside of this building where you see people praying and ringing bells attached to the long white ropes.  Here is a run-down of what we experienced inside:

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  There is an alter inside that covers an inner door representing God's location.  The white-colored circle in the center of the alter is a mirror that represents the eye of God.

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Sarah, Sarah's grandmother, mother, and father (me) waited while the KANUSHI (caretaker) of the shrine prepared the service.  The first part was traditional drums (TAIKO).

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The TAIKO were enough to get Sarah to open one eye.
Next it was time for the KANUSHI to come and bless us.

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The stick, or wand, with strips of white paper attached to the end represents the spirit of God.  You often see these strips attached over doorways during holidays in Japan.

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  On new years eve, business leaders of the community receive a similar ceremony complete with a blessing using this wand.

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Next the KANUSHI prays for Sarah and her family.

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  Next the father (me) gets a branch from a sacred tree to place on the alter before praying with Sarah's mother and grandmother.  There is a white strip of paper attached to this branch too.

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  We pray together at the alter to end the ceremony.  Finally, we receive gifts and a toast of rice wine (SAKE) from the KANUSHI.

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Here we all are!

Aoyagi-Adams Family